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How Well Do You Know: 10/30/17-11/5/17
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1. Say hey to this guy, your 2017 World Series MVP:
Justin Verlander
Jose Altuve
George Springer
Carlos Correa
2. Meanwhile, even before the champagne started flowing, this Astro proposed to his girlfriend on live TV after the final out:
Justin Verlander
Jose Altuve
George Springer
Carlos Correa
3. We hope you noticed that during the week, the calendar flipped from October to November. And on the 1st of November, the guys from this city had the worst record in the NBA:
New Orleans
4. Meanwhile, as of the end of October, the best record in the NHL conferences were held by these two teams:
Capitals and Flames
Lightning and Blues
Islanders and Blackhawks
Penguins and Wild
5. The owner of this NFL sponsor says that controversies swirling around the league are hurting his sales, dammit!
Papa John's
6. The first of two big, big trades this week sent highly-thought-of Patriots quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo to play for a team in this NFL division:
AFC West
NFC West
AFC North
NFC South
7. Mean time, this organization sent its star running back to Philly:
8. The College Football Playoff Rankings came out, and its first edition saw top-ranked Alabama at the #1 spot, right? Right??!?
Wrong, it was Georgia
Wrong, it was Penn State
Wrong, it was Notre Dame
9. For this weekend's Big College Football Surprise, the Buckeyes went into _______, where they were blasted 55-24:
Iowa City
West Lafayette
10. And if you put a wager on two different NFL teams scoring exactly this many points on Sunday, then you came away a big, big winner:

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