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How Well Do You Know: 10/27/17-11/2/17
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1. Netflix giveth: The Halloween weekend brought the second season of Stranger Things to audiences who had been patiently waiting for the Duffer Brother's postcard to this decade:
2. Netflix taketh away: But the streaming channel also made news later in the week by suspending production on this cornerstone program, as its star brought an avalanche controversy on him/herself:
Orange Is the New Black
House of Cards
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Master of None
3. Theater chain Regal announced plans to do some test pricing, under which the cost to see of a movie would vary based on:
Talent starring in the movie
The city it plays in
Its popularity
Time of day
4. And Halloween weekend at the theaters saw the a new entry continuing the decline of this once-mighty horror franchise:
Paranormal Activity
Final Destination
Blair Witch
5. Elsewhere in Halloweentown, this talk show host gave audiences a real scare, passing out on live television, as a result of overheating in the costume she wore:
Rachel Ray
Megyn Kelly
Wendy Williams
6. Meanwhile, this rock star guest-hosted Jimmy Kimmel's show, wearing a startling dead-on costume of David Letterman:
Chris Martin
Dave Grohl
Billie Joe Armstrong
7. Saturday Night Live aired an animated special featuring this character that made headlines over the past year:
Donald Trump
David S. Pumpkins
Sean Spicer
Hilary Clinton
8. Looking to freshen things up, MTV is eyeing a southern US-based installation of this signature program:
Jersey Shore
Teen Mom
Real World
9. Sports movie justice, of a very, very indirect king, was meted out, as __________, who played the villain ________ in _________, was arrested for DUI:
Dolph Lundgren / Ivan Drago / Rocky III
Christopher McDonald / Shooter McGavin / Happy Gilmore
William Zabka / Johnny / Karate Kid
Don Johnson / David Sims / Tin Cup
10. And in closing, we note that the house of Fast and Furious may be crumbling, now that this series cast member says s/he won't appear in any other films if Dwayne Johnson is included:
Jason Statham
Vin Diesel
Tyrese Gibson
Michelle Rodriguez

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