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How Well Do You Know: 10/13/17-10/19/17
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1. In what promises to even be less entertaining than the original "White and gold or blue and black dress" argument, now people are bickering over whether a ________ is blue and grey or pink and white:
2. Sophie Turner, known well to Game of Thrones fans as Sansa Stark, announced her engagement to a member of this musical family act:
Backstreet Boys
Kings of Leon
Jonas Brothers
3. Fighting its way into the North American box office was The Foreigner, which stars this non-American actor in the title role:
Jet Li
Javier Bardem
Gerard Butler
Jackie Chan
4. Whether you want it to or not, Mamma Mia 2 continues to develop, this week adding which acclaimed female music star to its ranks?
Bette Midler
Shania Twain
5. Saddening music fans everywhere, and those from Canada in particular, Gord Downie, lead singer of this acclaimed band, lost his long battle with cancer this week:
Arcade Fire
Tragically Hip
New Bohemians
Barenaked Ladies
6. Marvel once again caught the attention of the soon-to-be moviegoing public with the new crackerjack trailer for this title:
Deadpool 2
Captain Marvel
New Mutants
Black Panther
7. LEGO confirmed the release date of its Women of NASA playset, though the company had to omit from the issue the characters from this film....which is what we thought the whole point was:
Hidden Figures
Star Trek
8. When this woman announced she was ending her Netflix series to focus on activism, it was news to us....primarily because we didn't realize she had a Netflix series:
Chelsea Handler
Sarah Silverman
Whitney Cummings
Margaret Cho
9. If you were paying attention, you know that the title of the upcoming Han Solo movie was announced this week. If you were *really* paying attention, you know that that title is:
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Han Solo
Han Solo: A Star Wars Story
10. And this network has signed the family of deceased Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin to a appear on a new show:
Animal Planet
Nat Geo

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