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How Well Do You Know: 10/2/17-10/8/17
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1. Kids, don't get caught on camera snorting something with a $20 bill at your team's office. This object lesson courtesy of this team, which had to axe one of its coaches after an incident on Sunday
The Dolphins
The Raiders
The Texans
The Bills
2. A radioactive matchup brought you the winless Giants against the winless Chargers. The final result was:
The Giants won at home
The Giants won on the road
The Chargers won at home
The Chargers won on the road
3. Earlier in the week, this quarterback caught hell for a flippant remark to a female reporter who had the temerity to do her job:
Dak Prescott
Deshaun Watson
Cam Newton
Russell Wilson
4. Laurene Powell Jobs - yes, *that* Jobs - is buying a big stake in this city's basketball and hockey franchises:
Washington, DC
5. In college football, one Justin Fields, who happens to be the nation's top-rated recruit, announced that he'll be quarterbacking for this team, which is having a pretty good year so far:
6. This many overtimes were necessary to decide the record-setting 71-68 college football spectacular between Western Michigan and Buffalo:
7. If you've never heard of Brandon Dawkins prior to Saturday, don't feel bad. A reserve quarterback for this school, he is nonetheless now in the record books, as he entered the game and set the record for rushing yards by a quarterback:
Washington State
Western Kentucky
8. It was a Shakeup Saturday on the college gridiron. Oklahoma were cruising through their schedule, until the kids from the Big 12 campus located here came to town and took down the undefeated Sooners:
9. The Paul Bunyan trophy was on the line as Sparty took on the Wolverines, with the result being:
A Michigan State win at home
A Michigan State win on the road
A Michigan win at home
A Michigan win on the road
10. Yankees fans were screaming for Joe Girardi's head and the Pinstripes' skipper failed to for a replay of a crucial hit-by-pitch play. What was the score of Game 2 - which Cleveland would go on to win 9-8?

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