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How Well Do You Know: 9/1/17-9/7/17
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1. Star Wars in the News, Part 1: LEGO and Star Wars enthusiasts jumped for joy and prepared to empty their wallets for the newly announced 7,500-piece, $800 set for this:
TIE Fighter
Star Destroyer
Millennium Falcon
Moon of Endor
2. Star Wars in the News, Part 2: The galaxy far, far away has booted a director from one of its projects for the second time this summer. Episode IX will no longer be directed by Colin Trevorrow, which means that for a long time, Colin's biggest directing gig will remain:
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Jurassic World
Captain America: Civil War
3. In sci-fi movie news of a different sort, this classic of the genre returned to theaters for a limited engagement this weekend:
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Blade Runner
4. Another non-traditional offering in theaters was this project, which screened in theaters several weeks before it begins its regular run as a prime-time TV show this fall:
The Orville
Future Man
The Good Doctor
5. And the new fall season sorta kicked off this week with the arrival of the newest off-the-rails creepfest American Horror Story. This season's iteration of AHS has this four-letter title:
6. For even more extremely important TV news, we note that the upcoming 235th edition of Dancing with the Stars will feature this former boy band member:
Harry Styles
Nick Carter
Ricky Martin
Nick Lachey
7. Political TV offerings will soon be a little thinner in both quality and quantity, as it was announced that the upcoming season of this popular program will be its last:
House of Cards
Madame Secretary
Designated Survivor
8. And finally, according to a deal struck this week, it you seriously jones for your Netflix but want to get it for free, considering signing on with the telecom carrier:

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