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How Well Do You Know: 8/14/17-8/20/17
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1. This NBA big-shot is facing down tampering charges over the Paul George nonsense this summer:
Phil Jackson
Pat Riley
Magic Johnson
Marc Cuban
2. Rasslin news! An outpouring of support resulted in the news of ailments suffered by this wrestling legend:
Randy Savage
Ric Flair
Hulk Hogan
Steve Austin
3. Your WWE-loving friends who forked out the dough to watch Summer Slam saw this guy walk away with the WWE championship:
Finn Balor
Jinder Mahal
AJ Styles
Shinsuke Nakamura
4. Whether he plays this year remains to be seen, but if he does, sensational recruit Marvin Bagley will make this team he signed with this favorite to win the NCAA championship this year:
5. Good pitching: MLB said welcome back, Chad Bettis, as the pitcher, who throws for the ________, returned to the field this week after battling cancer:
6. Bad pitching: Wednesday night saw a terrifically terrible ceremonial first pitch that sailed far past the catcher and nailed some guy in the jimmies. The hijinx took place on the field in this city:
7. These two teams played the Little League Classic in Williamsport on Sunday:
Yankees and Red Sox
Cardinals and Pirates
Cubs and White Sox
Mets and Nationals
8. MLB umpires protested "escalating verbal attacks" by players wore these during the week:
White wristbands
White caps
Red shirts
Black armbands
9. For a few moments this week, it looked like there was a chance that this former baseball great was actually being considered for sainthood:
Pee-Wee Reese
Roberto Clemente
Jackie Robinson
Bob Gibson
10. And the Dodgers' talent trove continues to expand, adding Curtis Granderson to their roster. Name the team that sent Grandy to Los Angeles:
The O's
The Phillies
The Tigers
The Mets

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