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How Well Do You Know: 8/11/17-8/17/17
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1. Kablammo. There's a new record-holder for the worst opening for a movie with 4,000 screens. The new king of box office bombs is the sequel to this animated flick:
Hotel Transylvania
The Nut Job
2. So that would mean that the Nut Job 2 of movie directors who appear on Broadway is this guy, whose one-man who has been pilloried:
Michael Moore
Clint Eastwood
Michael Bay
Kevin Smith
3. Pop culture godzilla Netflix is in the news again, this week luring the creator of this smash to its side of the fence to produced new TV for the streaming giant:
Game of Thrones
The Simpsons
4. And when Netflix wasn't enticing Shonda Rhimes to come over and play, it announced a new movie-going incentive plan that would allow someone unlimited in-theater viewings for $10/month. What's the name of this plan?
5. Much unlike ourselves, this TV personality recently signed a deal for $95 *million*, meaning we'll be stuck with him/her for a while longer:
Alex Trebek
Dr. Phil
Judge Judy
Ryan Seacrest
6. Singer news, part 1: If you had to announce that significant "production delays" meant postponing the start of your upcoming tour, that means you are:
Katy Perry
Taylor Swift
7. Singer news, part 2: Which of the aforementioned women prevailed in a groping trial, winning the verdict while being acquitted of ruining the career of the groping DJ in question?
Katy Perry
Taylor Swift
8. Singer news, part 2a: Taylor Swift, who made news with her no-nonsense performance during her testimony, got everything she asked for at the end of the trial, she was awarded:
$1 million
9. Can you remember what you were doing in 2009? If you're like us, no way in hell. Still, prior to this week, that was the last time that this singer did not have an entry in the Billboard Hot 100. Whose incredible streak ended this week?
Justin Bieber
Pharell Williams
10. Hollywood still hasn't learned that reaching into the wayback machine usually isn't a good idea. This week we learned that this movie from The Two Coreys filmography would get an update, without participation of either Haim (for obvious reasons) or Feldman:
Blown Away
The Lost Boys
License to Drive
Dream a Little Dream

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