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How Well Do You Know: 8/4/17-8/10/17
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1. Netflix, Part 1 - Coming to Netflix Edition: The video distributing channel continues to make news, as it will bring this former talk show host to its streaming airwaves next year for a new talk show:
Jay Leno
Oprah Winfrey
Jon Stewart
David Letterman
2. Netflix, Part 2 - Leaving Netflix Edition: Netflix also made waves this weeks as it was announced that it would soon lose all content from this provider:
3. YouTube Red made '80s fans paint the fence with join as the channel announced a series updating the main characters from this film from cinema's greatest decade:
Steel Magnolias
Pretty in Pink
The Karate Kid
4. Your fast food-lovin' head is about to be thrown for the loop, as ________ announced it wants to drop the ________ from its name:
Dunkin Donuts / Donuts
Starbucks Coffee / Coffee
Krispy Kreme Donuts / Donuts
5. It was sad news for pop culture land as the immensely popular actor behind this on-screen superhero and his actress wife separated this week:
Iron Man
Star Lord
Captain America
6. Please identify the title of the fifth Sharknado film unleashed on the populace this week:
Sharks That Jump
Shark Tank
Number Five
Global Swarming
7. If you took in the brand new video for Jay-Z's Moonlight track, then you couldn't help but notice the allusions to this TV series' opening credits:
The Office
Dawson's Creek
8. If you're like us on the SLW staff and have an extra $350 million burning a hole in your pocket, then you can put in a bid for this famous residence:
The Beverly Hillbillies mansion
The skyscraper used as the Nakatomi Building in Die Hard
The Washington, DC townhouse used in The Exorcist
The Grand Budapest Hotel
9. RIP old-school country stalwart Glenn Campbell, whose hit song from decades past referred to this type of cowboy:
10. Lollapalooza came and went, but not before thunder and lightning cut short the scheduled performance by this festival headliner:
Katy Perry

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