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How Well Do You Know: 7/27/17-8/3/17
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1. If you believe internet reports, this entertainment conglomerate was hacked, and much of its content stolen:
2. TV show did well last season. Not good enough, the bosses said. Actress who played the wife was written off. Other actress who had previously starred with the male lead is brought in as her replacement. What the heck TV show are we talking about here?
Lethal Weapon
This Is Us
Kevin Can Wait
3. SLW maligns this comedienne every chance we get, but we have to give her props for shaving her head in solidarity with her cancer-stricken sister:
Margaret Cho
Kathy Griffin
Chelsea Handler
4. If you are this guy, you were named this week as the first rapper ever to be named to the Kennedy Center Honors:
LL Cool J
Dr. Dre
5. The SLW always dug Sam Shepard's quiet but purposeful acting. Yet it wasn't until this week when we found out that Shepard had also won a Pulitzer for:
6. To the delight of possibly dozens, MTV announced this week that in October, it will bring back this fan favorite from the past:
Beavis and Butthead
Total Request Live
Singled Out
7. With a crusade against those damn dirty apes still raging in theaters, this week we got our first look of Woody Harrelson as President in his upcoming cinematic portrayal as this man:
Richard Nixon
Teddy Roosevelt
Ronald Reagan
Lyndon Johnson
8. And speaking of first looks, comicbookmoviegoers got their introduction to reclining actress Zazie Beetz in a tease for her appearance as Domino in the next installment of:
Guardians of the Galaxy
Justice League
9. Proving that she's either an alien life form or a damn freak of nature, this 40+ woman appears in her altogether on the cover of Women's Health's Naked issue:
Gwen Stefani
Naomi Watts
Sofia Vergara
Charisma Carpenter
10. And speaking of actresses in the news, this woman spoke to Vanity Fair about the treatment of child actors in her films:
Jodie Foster
Jennifer Aniston
Angelina Jolie
Whoopi Goldberg

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