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How Well Do You Know: 7/14/17-7/20/17
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1. Many, many, many, many people caught Sunday night's premiere of Game of Thrones. And lots and lots of those had unkind things to say about this singer's conspicuous cameo in the episode - enough that said singer deleted his Twitter account:
Justin Bieber
Ed Sheeren
Adam Levine
Harry Styles
2. Speaking of cultish TV shows, the internet lit up at the announcement of the new Doctor Who, which, for the first time, will be played by a:
Person of color
Non-British person
3. Over in celebrity baby land, Beyonce introduced her newborn twins to the world - one named Rumi, and one named this form of address:
4. A trio of RIPs this week: First, screen legend Martin Landau, who won an Oscar in this biopic, died at 89:
Raging Bull
Ed Wood
5. Also leaving this week was the mastermind behind this milestone horror movie franchise:
Night of the Living Dead
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Nightmare on Elm Street
6. And in grimmer news, music fans were shocked at the suicide of this band's frontman:
Green Day
Blink 182
Linkin Park
7. And now, we stop to consider the strange story of Steve Whitmire, who penned an attention-getting letter upon being fired from the Muppets, where he had been the voice of this character for 27 of his 38 years with the franchise:
Fozzy Bear
Miss Piggy
Kermit the Frog
8. In other news of adorable creatures, China found it necessary to banned this kiddie lit character:
Winnie the Pooh
Fox in Socks
9. On the topic of books, possibly dozens of readers were elated to hear this week's news that two new titles in this franchise will be released this fall:
Fifty Shades
Harry Potter
Hunger Games
10. From Ariel to Jasmine, from Moana to Rapunzel, a flock of Disney princesses gather this week for the announcement that they will all be crammed into cameos in the upcoming sequel to this animated title:
Wreck-It Ralph
Big Hero 6

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