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How Well Do You Know: 6/30/17-7/6/17
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1. Considering the Female Form, Part 1: This model/actress came out and said it this week: the size of her breasts is preventing her from getting booked for movie roles:
Brooklyn Decker
Emily Ratajkowski
Kate Upton
Tyra Banks
2. Considering the Female Form, Part 2: Meanwhile, this famous songstress dropped both pretense and clothing, posing in her all-together on the cover of Vogue:
Celine Dion
3. Speaking of female singers, this one made the difficult and unpopular singer to cancel the last two shows of her current tour due to damage vocal chords:
Miley Cyrus
Kelly Clarkson
Carrie Underwood
4. Our fourth question of the week is reserved for Jay-Z's 4:44. The "Smile" track on the rapper's new album is notable because on it:
Jay-Z announces that all proceeds from the album will be donated to charity
His mother comes out as lesbian
He announces plans to divorce Beyonce
He reveals his plan to run for US president
5. In another news item somewhat similar to the Jay-Z bit - except, completely different - this superhero portrayer raised eyebrows by stating that he is gay "without the physical act":
Andrew Garfield
Robert Downey, Jr.
Tom Holland
Mark Ruffalo
6. On a more serious note, this TV personality was helping her mother fight a brain tumor, when she herself was diagnosed with a malignant growth on her brain:
Maria Menounos
Ellen DeGeneres
Julie Chen
Heidi Klum
7. Screw this, we're out of here.... complained two Asian members of this show's cast, complaining they were paid less than their caucasian co-stars:
Silicon Valley
The Big Bang Theory
Fresh Off the Boat
Hawaii Five-O
8. More TV news? OK. FX launched Snowfall, a new series from director John Singleton. And if you know John Singleton like we know John Singleton, you'll know/be able to guess that this city is the setting of the drug saga:
Los Angeles
9. Alert SLW quiztakers will remember when Sophia Coppola's The Beguiled won Best Director at Cannes earlier this year. But not until its US release this week did we learn that the film was a remake of this director's earlier work:
Clint Eastwood
Martin Scorsese
Michael Bay
Robert Redford
10. In closing, remember a few months back when the disastrous Fyre Festival pissed everyone off to no end? Well, this week:
A second festival was announced, somehow
A "replacement" festival will be held to compensate ticketholders
Its organizer was arrested and charged with fraud
Uncompensated performers who were scheduled to perform launched a virulent Twitter campaign

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