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How Well Do You Know: 6/23/17-6/29/17
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1. TV Beginning, Part I. The 78th season of Big Brother premiered on CBS this week. Among its cast members this week was a woman with the name of which holiday?
Forth of July
2. TV Beginning, Part II: Fans of the glorious 1980s with a Netflix subscription had a blast watching GLOW, a series based on the enterprise whose W stood for:
3. TV Ending: Meanwhile, as this show wrapped up its current season, star TJ Miller, who had been written out of the show, made sure to burn plenty of bridges on his way out the door:
Better Call Saul
Pretty Little Liars
Silicon Valley
4. Celebs Running Smack Into Science, Part I: The "energy stickers" this celeb has tried to pass off onto the general public were the object of a smack-down laid by NASA:
Jennifer Aniston
Salma Hayek
Gwyneth Paltrow
Katy Perry
5. Celebs Running Smack Into Science, Part II: As this star prepares to launch his paranormal-based series for A&E, he disclosed that he had an "incredible encounter" with a Bigfoot-like creature:
Charlie Sheen
Rob Lowe
Justin Long
Randy Quaid
6. Turning now as we must to movies, this week saw an increasingly rare mid-week opener, an action flick with this stage-of-life word in its title:
7. As Fate of the Furious hit video this week, this F&F franchise star threatened to hit the bricks if his/her role in the series isn't expanded:
Vin Diesel
Dwayne Johnson
Chris 'Ludacris' Bridges
Michelle Rodriguez
8. Awwww, rats. Our classic children's lit-loving hearts were saddened with this week's passing of Michael Bond, the creator of:
The Velveteen Rabbit
The Gruaffalo
Peter Rabbit
9. And we'll get out of this week with comic book news, in which we read that this board game is coming soon to the medium:
10. And finally, in news we can't believe, this week apparently saw the launch of a title featuring the goddamn Batman going up against this unusual foe from Looney Toons:
Bugs Bunny
Elmer Fudd
Foghorn Leghorn
Tweety Bird

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