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How Well Do You Know: 6/19/17-6/25/17
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1. To start things out, this NFL defensive great opened up about his memory issues, and his plans to donate his brain for research after he passes:
Ed Reed
Richard Dent
Warren Sapp
Bruce Smith
2. If you signed a 5 year, $25 million contract this week, please step forward:
Kirk Cousins
Derek Carr
Matthew Stafford
Ryan Tannehill
3. This organization had a bit of a week, first signing their head coach to a contract extension, and then turning right around and giving their GM the boot:
The Chiefs
The Seahawks
The Titans
The Jags
4. Over in basketball, this club had a similar idea only much, much worse, letting their GM go just days before the NBA draft:
The Kings
The Nuggets
The Cavaliers
The Heat
5. As expected, the #1 overall draft selection played his college ball at:
Michigan State
Florida State
6. And the draft was shaken up a bit as this big-named guard was traded as the draft got rolling:
Jimmy Butler
John Wall
Kyrie Irving
Chris Paul
7. As far as we know, the Association doesn't have an equivalent of the Lowsman Trophy, but if it did, it would be awarded to Mr. Alpha Kaba, the very last selection of the draft who was picked by the:
8. Hockey also drafted this week. The guys that skate here had the first overall pick:
New York
9. Meanwhile, in baseball, this floundering club tied a 93 year old record by allowing 5+ runs for 20 consecutive games, which makes it kinda hard to win:
The Royals
The Reds
The Brewers
The Orioles
10. And the Golf Shot of the Year of the Week was recorded by this gentleman, who holed out on the 18th to win the Travelers:
Sergio Garcia
Rickie Fowler
Jordan Speith
Dustin Johnson

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