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How Well Do You Know: 6/16/17-2/22/17
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1. Movie-related headlines dominated the news this week. Seemingly out of nowhere, Daniel Day Lewis, pre-eminent actor of his generation announced he was retiring from acting. Of the below, which is not a film for which DDL won an acting Oscar?
There Will Be Blood
In the Name of the Father
My Left Foot
2. Also on the way out are Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, who were fired from the Han Solo movie this week. Lord and Miller fans love the duo for their previous work at the helm of this animated favorite:
The Lego Movie
Fung-Fu Panda
Wreck-It Ralph
3. With Disney still wanting to release Han Solo in less than a year, they quickly had to come up with a replacement for Lord and Miller. They settled on:
Robert Zemeckis
Ron Howard
James Gunn
Jon Favreau
4. And speaking of directors, RIP to John G. Avildsen, the man in charge of The Karate Kid and this under-rated 1970s Oscar winner:
Kramer vs. Kramer
The Deer Hunter
The French Connection
5. Elsewhere in filmdom, the internet got worked up into a tizzy over a soon-to-be-disproven tweet that showed Wonder Woman's Gal Gadot was paid a fraction of this superhero movie actor's earnings for his initial big-screen appearance:
Ryan Reynolds
Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth
Henry Cavill
6. Speaking of paydays, this rather famous actor hit the big time, as he sold his tequila business for a tidy $1 billion:
Ashton Kutcher
George Clooney
Matt Damon
Robert Downey, Jr.
7. Transitioning from movies to TV, Thursday night saw a Spike network adaptation of this Stephen King work that freaked out moviegoers:
The Mist
Salem's Lot
The Shining
8. Also new-in-an-old way on Thursday TV is the updated version of The Gong Show, starring this comic actor barely recognizable as host Tommy Maitland:
Chevy Chase
Dana Carvey
Mike Myers
Drew Carey
9. If you're a fan of this rock and roll legend, save up your money to catch the impresario during his planned Broadway residency coming soon:
Eddie Vedder
Bruce Springsteen
Bob Dylan
Keith Richards
10. And it wouldn't be a pop culture recap without a mention about a Shakespeare play. A protester rushed the stage during a Central Park performance of this play, styled so the main character had several Trump-like qualities:
King Lear
Julius Caesar

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