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How Well Do You Know: 6/9/17-6/15/17
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1. Going kersplat at the box office was Tom Cruise's latest effort. The Mummy was supposed to launch a new franchise called The _________ Universe, but with it bombing at opening, who knows:
2. Your reality TV-loving friends probably told you all about their thoughts on the apparent shuttering of an offshoot of the __________ franchise over some serious on-set improprieties:
Big Brother
Dancing with the Stars
3. It you walked away from the Tonys with the award for Best Musical, then congratulations, you're a producer of:
Groundhog Day
Dear Evan Hansen
Come Far Away
4. RIP Adam West. The original Batman actor was an all-around pop culture icon. For which animated TV show did he provide the voice for Mayor Adam West?
The Simpsons
South Park
Family Guy
5. Thursday night brought a special salute to West, as this US city lit up a Bat-signal in remembrance of the departed actor:
New York
Washington, DC
Los Angeles
6. If you're this famous actress, you're breathing a little easier after surviving your private jet losing an engine while mid-air during the week:
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Aniston
Scarlett Johansson
Keira Knightley
7. Friday night brought the release of Katy Perry's latest album Witness, which is great, but.....Friday we also witnessed this star re-releasing all of her music digitally, after having pulled her tunes from streaming services a while back:
Taylor Swift
8. If Katy got played by Taylor, then so did the Russian leader pull one over on this controversial director, whose "Putin Diaries" has been met with considerable jeering derision:
Michael Moore
Clint Eastwood
Oliver Stone
Werner Herzog
9. This attention-getting rock star is attempting to patent the genre-staple "devil horns" he claims to have invented:
Ozzy Osbourne
Axl Rose
Gene Simmons
Steven Tyler
10. _____________, come on down, as the trailer for your headlining entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe debuted this week:
Scarlet Witch
Black Panther
Squirrel Girl
Spider Woman

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