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How Well Do You Know: 6/2/17-6/8/17
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1. The big big news at the movies over the weekend was the much-anticipated debut of Wonder Woman, which took in ________ during its first North American weekend:
About $80 million
Just over $100 million
Better than $150 million
Nearly $180 million
2. Also new at cinemas was a film with this article of clothing in its title:
3. This talk-show host needs to be sent to his room to think about what he's done after using a racial slur on his broadcast:
Jimmy Kimmel
Trevor Noah
Carson Daly
Bill Maher
4. We can't begin to understand all the moving parts behind the story of this comedian not hugging singer Kesha when s/he had the chance:
Jerry Seinfeld
Kevin Hart
David Letterman
Amy Schumer
5. If you are either of newborn twins Ella and Alexander, then you'll be calling this famous fellow dad....when you're old enough to talk:
Seth Rogen
George Clooney
Steven Spielberg
JJ Abrams
6. Ariana Grande and a host of other performers descended on the UK for the concert dubbed:
Much Love Manchester
Remember Manchester
One Love Manchester
Carry On Manchester
7. But the Manchester event wasn't all unity and sunshine: [he] out of the f*$^ing country weren't we all love get on a f*$^ing plane and play your tunes for the kids you sad f*$^ This invective-filled tweet was filed by a member of this famously feuding band when one of his fellows didn't make the concert:
The Rolling Stones
Guns n Roses
8. America has decided it will continue to be delighted by this celeb couple, who showed up to entertain the kids at her old high school this week:
Leslie Mann and Judd Apatow
Steve Carell and Nancy Walls
Megan Mullaly and Nick Offerman
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend
9. Meanwhile, this actress apparently broke some unwritten rule about something by calling out People Magazine for its cover story about her tumultuous domestic life:
Angelina Jolie
Jennifer Garner
Jennifer Aniston
Kaley Cuoco
10. And this singer found herself one the front page of the sports section and the entertainment blogs as she was seen staring daggers at basketballer Kevin Durant from her courtside seats at the NBA finals:
Miley Cyrus
Mariah Carey

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