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How Well Do You Know: 5/29/17-6/4/17
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1. The week got off to a troubling note, as former golf wonder Eldrick Woods was arrested on DUI in this state:
2. Meanwhile, this state became the center of the lacrosse world, as it's state school's teams won the men's and women's Division I titles in the sport:
New Jersey
North Carolina
3. On the other side of the coin, the NCAA post-season field has been announced, and for the first time in 44 years, this school is not invited:
Florida State
South Carolina
4. RIP to the great sportswriter Frank Deford, who began and spent the majority of his distinguished career writing for this outlet:
New York Daily News
Chicago Tribune
Sports Illustrated
Dallas Morning News
5. And now, for baseball. If you looked at the MLB standings as May turned into June, you would have seen that this club had the largest division lead in the Majors:
The Yankees
The Rockies
The Astros
The Twins
6. How surprising are the Astros this year? Just ask this club, who saw Houston rally for 11 - count 'em, 11 - runs in the 8th inning this week:
The Red Sox
The White Sox
The Twins
The Cubs
7. Up in the press box, Hawk Harrelson, who has been calling this team's games for many, many, many years, announced he'll leave the booth following the 2018 season:
The Tigers
The Cardinals
The Royals
The White Sox
8. And back down on the field, this team was no-hit this week:
The Dodgers
The Padres
The Diamondbacks
The Mariners
9. The same weekend as the Edison Volquez threw a no-no, Albert Pujols recorded his 600th home run of his career with a:
Grand slam
Inside-the-park homer
Extra-inning game winner
Solo shot
10. Lastly, this former tennis great made all sorts of waves with her assertion that women's tennis today is "full of lesbians":
Evonne Goolagong Cawley
Margaret Court Smith
Billie Jean King
Steffi Graf

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