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How Well Do You Know: 5/26/17-6/1/17
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1. To begin with, please correctly spell the word of the week:
2. RIP Gregg Allman. Aside from being one of the inventors of southern rock, the Allman Brothers rock star made his mark on pop culture by his marriage to:
Barbra Streisand
Dolly Parton
Stevie Nicks
3. Nationwide awareness of the Alamo Drafthouse skyrockets about 10,000% this week when the movie house announced they would host a ______________ screening of Wonder Woman:
Men's only
Women's only
Republican only
4. As our submissions to Cannes are routinely - and, we have to say, somewhat rudely - rejected from consideration, this week she became only the second female to win Best Director at the festival:
Kathryn Bigelow
Patty Jenkins
Sofia Coppola
Jodie Foster
5. New from ABC's Shondaland factory comes Still Star-Crossed, in which Ms. Rhimes the action and intrigue which followed the end of this Shakespeare play:
Julius Caesar
Midsummer Night's Dream
Romeo and Juliet
6. The news wasn't nearly as good for this reputed comic, who caught all sorts of hell by posting an Instagram photo of her holding a likeness of the severed head of Donald Trump:
Dax Shepard
Kathy Griffin
Carlos Mencia
Amy Schumer
7. As Kathy Griffin is sent to her room to think about she's done, she has lost her New Year's Eve gig for this network:
8. Neither was it a walk in the box office park for Baywatch, which despite its Johnson/Effron headliners, limped to a three-day North American take of:
Less than $10 million
$10-20 million
$20-30 million
$30-40 million
9. Both clown-lovers and clown-haters alike were in awe of America's Got Talent act Puddles Pity Party, as the clown amazed with his:
Singing voice
Break dancing
10. If you're heading down central Florida way, you may want to stop in to see a huge new section at DisneyWorld, as the park opened a lavish new section based on this science fiction flick:
Back to the Future
The Matrix

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