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How Well Do You Know: 5/19/17-5/25/17
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1. The big pop culture celebrity loss this week was that of Sir Roger Moore, who held the mantle of cinematic James Bond longer than anyone. Please pick the 007 movie listed below that Moore did *not* star in:
A View to a Kill
License to Kill
2. Old TV to New TV: Television gurus are hope-hope-hoping that young audiences will give a damn about a newly-produce version of this TV soap opera:
Falcon Crest
One Life to Live
Knot's Landing
3. Old Movie to New Movie: Meanwhile, getting crammed down your pop culture pie-hole is the long, long, long awaited sequel to this 1980s film hallmark:
Weird Science
The Breakfast Club
Top Gun
St. Elmo's Fire
4. Old Movie to New TV: And if you were lucky enough, you were able to miss Wednesday's made-for-television update of this movie musical:
Dirty Dancing
Moulin Rouge
5. Dirty Dancing was indeed the answer to the previous question. Which leads right into our question about the newly crowned champ of Dancing with the Stars, who is regularly employed as a:
Baseball player
Olympic gymnast
Football player
6. As one reality franchise wound down, another geared up. This week's debut of the new Bachelorette introduced America to a new Bachelorette who is:
Hearing impaired
A mother
African American
A rock singer
7. Speaking of sports, say hey to this TV character, who will be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame this Saturday:
Eric Cartman
Walter White
Sam Malone
Homer Simpson
8. Attention, consumers. Stay tuned for the chance to win a special box of this cereal containing nothing but marshmallows:
Lucky Charms
Fruity Pebbles
Marshmallow Magic
Count Chocula
9. Weird TV show aficionados who got their fix of Twin Peaks' return did so by tuning into:
10. If you emerged from the Billboard Music Awards as Top Artist, it means that you are known to your fans as:
The Weeknd

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