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How Well Do You Know: 6/16/17-5/21/17
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1. If you're the horse that won Saturday's Preakness Stakes in a thriller, please step forward to accept your complimentary carrot and a nice ol' bucket of oats:
Classic Empire
Always Dreaming
Cloud Computing
Lookin at Lee
2. Meanwhile, if you are an NBA MVP finalist, please step forw....whoa, not so fast there,
Kawhi Leonard
LeBron James
Russell Westbrook
James Harden
3. The All-NBA team came out this week. Of the players mentioned in the preceding question, who was the only to receive 100 out of a possible 100 first-place votes?
Kawhi Leonard
LeBron James
Russell Westbrook
James Harden
4. News was not so rosy for this burgeoning talent, who failed to make first-, second- or third-team All-NBA:
Gordon Hayward
John Wall
Anthony Davis
DeAndre Jordan
5. In further Tales from the Association, this playoff team somehow walked away with the #1 pick in the upcoming NBA draft:
The Celtics
The Warriors
The Spurs
The Wizards
6. A Game 2 injury means that this roundball superstar will miss the rest of the playoffs:
Kyrie Irving
Klay Thompson
Manu Ginobili
Isaiah Thomas
7. Somehow, *somehow*, the Celtics were able to win Game 3, despite being without aforementioned floor leader Thomas, and despite getting absolutely blown out of Game 2 by this many points:
8. Meanwhile, the Stanley Cup Playoffs are weird. In the ______ Conference Finals, ________ won Game 3 5-1, only to have ________ come back with an even more fustigating win in Game 5 by a 7-0 score:
Eastern / Pittsburgh / Ottawa
Western / Anaheim / Nashville
Western / Nashville / Anaheim
Eastern / Ottawa / Pittsburgh
9. In Tennisland, this famous tournament said "No soup for you!" to Maria Sharapova, denying the star a wild-card entry into the tourney as she returns from a PED suspension:
The US Open
The French Open
The Australian Open
10. And an unlikely source let it slip that this NFL quarterback played last season with concussions, though he was never named on the team's injury report as such:
Andy Dalton
Matt Ryan
Tom Brady
Russell Wilson

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