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How Well Do You Know: 4/21/17-4/27/17
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1. If the hairs on the back of your entertainment-loving-neck stood on end this week, it's because the guild for _________ authorized a strike if its May 1-expiring contract isn't renegotiated:
2. A very versatile director - who, by the way, picked up an Oscar for his work on this 1990s award-winning film - died during the week:
Dances with Wolves
Silence of the Lambs
Forrest Gump
American Beauty
3. Also rest in peace Erin Moran, the actress behind this spin-off title character:
4. Elsewhere in TV land, the film based on this horror movie staple ended its five-season run this week:
The Exorcist
5. At SLW press time last week, Lip Sync Battle featured model of some renown Kate Upton featuring her take on a song by:
Britney Spears
Christina Aguilera
6. If you're a well-known woman who has apparently gotten over her recent split in time to get it on with Tesla billionaire Elon Musk, please step forward. Hey, we're talking to you....
Amber Heard
Angelina Jolie
Taylor Swift
Diane Kruger
7. Airline trauma was again in the news this week, as passengers were subjected to a mid-air concert by this fellow as part of a Relay for Life fundraiser:
Kenny G
Barry Manilow
John Tesch
John Mayer
8. From villain to hero: the man who played this superhero movie scoundrel played a key role in apprehending the perpetrator of a crime this week:
The Joker in Suicide Squad
Magneto in X-Men
Loki in Thor
Bane in The Dark Knight Rises
9. Elsewhere on the Entertainment Crime Blotter, we read that Chris Soules, who you may or may not remember from this reality franchise, is in custody after a fatal hit-and-run:
American Idol
The Bachelor
American Ninja Warrior
10. And finally, pink slips rained down like cotton candy - errr...or some other analogy - at this cable TV giant, as around 100 employees were axed on Wednesday:
Food Network

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