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How Well Do You Know: 4/14/17-4/20/17
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1. TV, new: This music of this act of yore was featured on a Sunday night CBS spectacular:
The Beatles
The Bee Gees
The Eagles
2. TV, old: HBO featured the final episode of its opinion-dividing, millenialicious comedy Girls. She was not one of the Girls:
Lena Dunham
Allison Williams
Aubrey Plaza
Zosia Mamet
3. Elsewhere in TV land, this former Saturday Night Live cast member returned to host SNL:
Ana Gasteyer
Will Ferrell
Jimmy Fallon
Andy Samberg
4. Break out your Fast and Furious countin' fingers. The Fate of the Furious, which opened great worldwide but only OK in North America, is the _______ installment of the series:
5. More movie stuff? OK. Thursday of this week was Earth Day, and keeping with its tradition, Disney launched a eco-centric movie, this one featuring animals born in this country:
6. This company, which you may have heard of, thought it wise to inflict upon the public a "Unicorn"....themed(?) inspired(?) foodstuff this week:
Dairy Queen
7. This deceased singer's new tracks are all set to be released (yay!). But don't get too excited.....a lawsuit filed by the estate may prevent this from happening (boo!):
David Bowie
George Michael
Leonard Cohen
8. Everyone and their brother has developed theories over the recent whereabouts of this old-school celebrity curiosity. This week, said personality sent a statement to People Magazine about his health:
Louie Anderson
Michael Douglas
Richard Simmons
Keith Richards
9. In other health news, Prince William of Merry Old England teamed up with this activist celeb for a FaceTime discussion of mental health issues:
Matt Damon
Betty White
Lady Gaga
Leo DiCaprio
10. And if your week wouldn't have been complete without a dame-hood begin confirmed on one of the Spice Girls, you can thank this one, who received the honor this week:

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