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How Well Do You Know: 4/7/17-4/13/17
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1. You want to start with a softball? Okey dokey. The internet had an absolute field day this week with fiery and funny memes directed at this airline:
2. Rock and Roll addition: The following grunge-era band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this week:
Stone Temple Pilots
Pearl Jam
3. Rock and Roll subtraction: This man, who lent his name to a band he wasn't the lead singer of, died this week:
Alan Parsons of the Alan Parsons Projects
J. Geils of the J. Geils Band
Hootie of Hootie and the Blowfish
Don Was of Was (Not Was)
4. We also say RIP to Dorothy Mengering, mother of this late-night host whose endearing appearances on her son's show charmed millions of viewers:
David Letterman
Jay Leno
Conan O'Brien
Craig Ferguson
5. And the comedy world lost a brilliant and influential voice, as Charlie Murphy, brother of Eddie and contributor to _________, passed on:
The Daily Show
Chapelle's Show
Living Color
Key and Peele
6. Saturday Night Live returned to the airwaves, with a heaping helpful of double-Baldwin, as Alec played both Donald Trump and this other newsmaker:
Sean Spicer
Neil Gorsuch
Paul Ryan
Bill O'Reilly
7. And now for some news from the world of comics: Many, many, many, many people saw the first teaser trailer for Thor: Ragnarok, which featured everyone's favorite Norseman doing battle with this fellow Avenger:
Iron Man
Black Widow
Captain America
8. We know what a Deadpool is, but don't really know what a Cable is. But fans who are familiar with the irreverent Marvel character aren't keen on this actor being named to play Cable in Deadpool 2:
Keanu Reeves
Josh Brolin
Sean Penn
Ryan Gosling
9. Marvel certain worms its way into the news a lot, no? The company fired an artist for sneaking an objectionable reference into its new "X-Men _________" series:
10. Can u let me out of this basement pls? This odd tweet came in the middle of an odd exchange between Katy Perry and this actor you may have forgotten about, after he denied he was dating the pop star:
Frankie Muniz
Ryan Phillippe
Matthew Lillard
Jason Biggs

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