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How Well Do You Know: 3/31/17-4/6/17
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1. RIP, ya hockey puck. This week the entertainment work lost brilliantly acerbic insult comic Don Rickles. Modern audiences might remember that Rickles contributed to this Pixar favorite:
Finding Nemo
Monsters, Inc.
Toy Story
2. Clearly, we missed the mark. Yes, clearly, it was Bad Idea Jeans for this famous company to produce an ad featuring Kendall Jenner into various social justice moments....bad enough that the company pulled the ad within 24 hours:
3. This week encompassed April Fool's Day, and this liberal actor made news when he announced a run to unseat a prominent California congressman....only to delight/disappoint days later, saying it was only a prank:
Matt Damon
Kevin Spacey
Neil Patrick Harris
George Takei
4. More entertainingly, Google inserted a playable mini-game featuring ________ into Google Maps:
Pac Man
Donkey Kong
Space Invaders
5. In movie news, the creative genius behind this film series says there are not 4, not 14, not 24....wait, yes, 14 more movies in the series that have already been written:
Ice Age
6. If *that's* worrisome to you, you probably freaked the F out that Boss Baby, featuring the voice of the man who has most recently __________ made more than $50 million during its opening weekend:
Won the Best Actor Oscar
Played Donald Trump
Split with Angelina Jolie
Stars on Big Bang Theory
7. It's curtains for this reality TV mainstay, whose creators are ending the show after 11 seasons:
Top Chef
Deadliest Catch
Duck Dynasty
Teen Mom
8. This decidedly not-country group hit it big at the ACM awards, getting the crowd hootin' and hollerin' when they performed with Florida Georgia Line:
Imagine Dragons
Backstreet Boys
Linkin Park
9. Meanwhile, this actor from Up North has been bragging to anyone who will listen about how, as a child, he beat up future Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:
Ryan Gosling
Jim Carrey
Matthew Perry
Mike Myers
And finally, a straaaaange little video featuring this guy here has been making the rounds, amusing or freaking out people who watch it. What's the name of the short video?
Hi, Friend
Hi, Stranger
Hi, Visitor
Hi, Doctor

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