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How Well Do You Know: 3/24/17-3/30/17
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1. Viral Video, Part 1: Some teenager got his 15 minutes of fame thanks to a widely-circulated vid in which he meets the real-life person behind this famous voice:
Eric Cartman
Bart Simpson
Spongebob Squarepants
2. Viral Video, Part 2: Elsewhere, just about everyone with a computer and a heart delighted ad a clip of a toddler who charmingly mistook a curbside ___________ for a robot:
Washing machine
Water heater
3. In the world of movies, Power Rangers debuted to a much stronger-than-expected $40 million during its opening weekend. Observant quiztakers would have noticed this name - the name of the franchise creator - preceding the title of the film:
4. Turning to upcoming movies, fans got their first glimpse at the new Lara Croft. Remind us which Oscar-nominated actress takes up the Tomb Raider heroine
Brie Larson
Michelle Williams
Alicia Vikander
Felicity Jones
5. This week also brought the debut of the trailer for Stephen King's It, which featured just a glimpse of this actor as the freaky-as-F Pennywise the clown:
Jesse Eisenberg
BJ Novak
Clint Howard
Bill Skarsgard
6. Elsewhere in Movie Trailer World, DC rolled out its first spot for Justice League. But wait - which famous face was nowhere to be seen in the trailer?
Wonder Woman
7. If you're this singer, you got people's attention with your turn as Marion Crane - originally made famous in Psycho by Janet Leigh - on Bates Motel:
Miley Cyrus
Janelle Monae
8. And singer and Voice judge Alicia Keys turned on this other character from The Voice, after the colleague teased her for putting on makeup after vowing not to wear any on the show:
Adam Levine
Blake Shelton
Gwen Stefani
Carson Daly

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