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How Well Do You Know: 3/17/17-3/24/17
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Tim Allen NEVER said a word about being Jewish. Fake news.
theBigE 3/26/17 2:08 pm


1. The Monopoly board game bid "adieu" to classic games pieces thimble, boot and wheelbarrow and 'bonjour' to three new places. These new pieces do not include which of the following?
Rubber Ducky
2. The world of music said goodbye to a giant a old-school rock-n-roller Chuck Berry died at 90. Berry's timeless hit Johnny B. Goode played a key part in this 1980s movie classic
The Breakfast Club
Back to the Future
The Blues Brothers
3. Also leaving us was Chuck Barris, whose dangerous mind created this wacky game show of decades past:
What's My Line?
Match Game
The $25,000 Pyramid
The Gong Show
4. And speaking of game shows, we all had a good time at the expenses of a Wheel of Fortune contestant, who blundered deciphering the name of this movie, even though a single letter remained hidden:
Apocalypse Now
A Streetcar Named Desire
The African Queen
Breakfast at Tiffany's
5. Be our guest and tell us which of the following records Disney's new live-action Beauty and the Beast did *not* break during its opening weekend:
Most expensive musical ever produced
Biggest PG-rated opener
Biggest March opener ever
Biggest Disney opening weekend
6. Network brass kept fans waiting....and waiting...and waiting for a renewal announcement for this ratings juggernaut. Everyone can finally exhale, as this show's two-season, 48-episode extension was finally made official this week:
Grey's Anatomy
The Simpsons
The Big Bang Theory
7. And now, for Bad Analogy Theater, where we see this actor comparing being a conservative star in Hollywood these days to being Jewish in 1930s Germany:
Tim Allen
Charlie Sheen
Scott Baio
Rob Lowe
8. And now, for Bad Well-Wishing Theater, we read that this former figure skating great tweeted "Break a Leg" to Nancy Kerrigan as Nance starts competing on Dancing with the Stars:
Tara Lipinski
Johnny Weir
Kristi Yamaguchi
Tonya Harding
9. It's late March, so it's time for some Christmas news! Possibly dozens of people were excited at the prospect that this holiday song will be the inspiration for a new film due out soon:
Last Christmas
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
Do They Know It's Christmas?
All I Want for Christmas
10. While its originating network PBS faces crippling budget cuts, Sesame Street nevertheless soldiered on and introduced a new character who is:
An undocumented alien
A soldier, duh

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