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How Well Do You Know: 3/3/17-3/9/17
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1. If you're like this person, you quit your most recent showbiz venture this week:
Jon Stewart
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Alec Baldwin
Jay Leno
2. So, a superhero movie opened this weekend. And lots and lots of people liked it. Which of the following is an anagram of the superhero flick that opened to love at the box office and acclaim from critics?
By way of explanation.....
Along with anagramized-Logan, did you also ID the other choices as Doctor Strange, Captain America and Iron Man?
3. Was it or wasn't it? Those who caught the premiere of E!'s new series The Arrangement were left to debate whether or not the show drew inspiration for this nutso Hollywood coupling:
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner
4. Meanwhile, the claws came out, we can only assume, and the fur flew as FX Networks debuted Feud, chronicling the less than congenial coexistence of these two box office mavens of decades past:
Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield
Mae West and Marilyn Monroe
Audrey Hepburn and Barbara Stanwyck
Joan Crawford and Bette Davis
5. And speaking of classic film, our movie-loving hearts were saddened at the loss of Robert Osborne, purveyor of this network's vast trove of old-time cinema:
Turner Classic Movies
Starz Encore
6. We're not that familiar with Chance the Rapper, but we became big, big fans of his when, this week, he donated a stupendous $1 million to:
The Museum of Modern Art
Doctors Without Borders
Chicago Public Schools
The Salvation Army
7. The week that we observed International Women's Day, this actress in an upcoming film of note caused arguments over her stance as a feminist and her appearing in a mega-cleavage-baring cover of Vanity Fair:
Power Rangers' Elizabeth Banks
Beauty and the Beasts's Emma Watson
Ghost in the Shell's Scarlett Johansson
The Fate of the Furious's Charlize Theron
8. While the woman behind Hermione Granger met with controversy, this actor who played this character in the Harry Potter franchise was named to be the new captain in the upcoming installment in the Star Trek series:
The one who played Ron Weasley
The one who played Albus Dumbledore
The one who played Sirius Black
The one who played Lucius Malfoy
9. And now, This Week in Nice Round Numbers. Reality mainstay Survivor celebrated its _______ episode with the season debut on Wednesday night:
10. If you're like this noted screen star, you complained this week of high-profile roles for actors of color going to Brits instead of Americans:
Denzel Washington
Samuel L. Jackson
Will Smith
Taye Diggs

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