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How Well Do You Know: 2/20/17-2/26/17
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1. In Tales from the Association, the NBA All-Star Break came and went, and when the dust had settled, DeMarcus "The Citizen" Cousins found himself wearing the uniform of this team:
The Nets
The Hawks
The Pistons
The Pelicans
2. As the second half of the season started, each of the below found themselves in first place in their division, except for the:
3. Meanwhile, this team booted its GM and promoted a recognizable name to its President of Basketball Operations post:
The Lakers
The Bulls
The Celtics
The Knicks
4. And woe for this team, who saw its first round draft pick from this year get sidelined for the rest of the season:
5. In actual game action, this team took cleansing white fire to the Clippers as they scored 50 points in the third quarter of a game this week:
San Antonio
Golden State
6. Shall we turn to college basketball? Yes, yes we shall. The coach of this Big 12 team gave everyone a scare when he dropped to his knees and had to be treated by the medical staff during a game this week:
West Virginia
7. Over in the big bad Big East, this team somewhat surprisingly swept Villanova, beating the Wildcats for the first time in 58 games on its home floor:
Seton Hall
8. But wait, there's more. Gongaza's bid at perfection ended when this western team handed the Bulldogs their first L of the season:
Boise State
Fresno State
9. The NHL resumed its Stadium Series. Saturday's outdoor combatants had this in common:
They both play in the same state
They will both miss the playoffs this year
They are the last two Stanley Cup champions
None of the above
10. And finally, good news, everyone! MLB decided to go and fix this major detriment to America's enjoyment of the game:
Designated hitter
Infield fly rule
Video review of all called balls and strikes
Intentional walks

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