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How Well Do You Know: 2/17/17-2/23/17
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1. If you're looking to put the mess of the US presidential election in your rearview, well, tough, because the creator of this series has announced it will be the focus of the show's next season:
American Horror Story
Law and Order: SVU
Blue Bloods
2. CBS is betting that fans of this show are willing to pony up for its All Access subscription service as the spin-off is available on its streaming channel:
The Good Wife
60 Minutes
Two and a Half Men
3. There was no shortage of opinions at the news that problematic Hollywood star was being considered to direct the sequel to this summer's problematic superhero flick Suicide Squad:
Alec Baldwin
Mel Gibson
Michael Bay
Ben Affleck
4. Gettin' the band back together? Not exactly, but these two performers met up over the weekend to record some new music together:
Simon and Garfunkel's Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel
Aerosmith's Steven Tyler and Joe Perry
The Beatles' Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr
Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page and Robert Plant
5. And are you this world-famous landmark, which gave its name to a Matt Damon film that bombed spectacularly when it debuted this weekend? Why yes, as long as you are:
The Statue of Liberty
The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Eiffel Tower
The Great Wall of China
6. Are you the first rapper to be inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame? Yes, yes you long as you are:
Snoop Dogg
Dr. Dre
Jay Z
7. In a move guaranteed to finally put Harvard University on the map at long last, the educational institution will bestow its Humanitarian of the Year on none other than this one-name singer:
8. This long-running show's famous "[lead character] at the Bat" episode will be honored at the Baseball Hall of Fame (even though said episode features a softball game):
The Simpsons
South Park
The Big Bang Theory
9. And our 1970s loving hearts were saddened at the news that this former heart-throb announced he has been diagnosed with dementia:
Christopher Knight
Erik Estrada
Donny Osmond
David Cassidy
10. We hate it when this happens: One of this music star's backup dancers, dressed as a house, went and fell right off the stage during a performance at the Brit Awards this week:
Miley Cyrus
Taylor Swift
Katy Perry
Jessie J

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