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How Well Do You Know: 1/27/17-2/2/17
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1. This famous singer's public relations team really, really, really wanted you to know she was pregnant this week.
Lady Gaga
Katy Perry
2. The SLW staff are several billions short of being billionaires. So unfortunately, we don't have this in common with the billionaire who was featured in an HBO documentary this week:
Bill Gates
Warren Buffett
Jeff Bezos
Mark Zuckerberg
3. Meanwhile, if this actor never becomes a billionaire, it may be due to his wine budget, which, his former manager revealed this week, ran upwards of (!!!!!) $30,000 a month:
Pierce Brosnan
Ben Affleck
Johnny Depp
Mel Gibson
4. RIP Masaya Nakamura. You may not know the name, but you probably know what he wrought, as Nakamura founded Namco, the video game company that brought you:
Donkey Kong
5. Also moving on this week was John Hurt, Brit once dubbed "simply the greatest actor in the world," Hurt was known for his onscreen portrayal of The Elephant Man and the initial victim in this horror movie franchise:
Friday the 13th
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Exorcist
6. During another tumultuous week in America, the nation was briefly distracted by the search for Ollie, a _________ that was thought to be missing from the National Zoo (before being found on the zoo's grounds a few days later):
Red panda
7. This all-American brand pre-released its Super Bowl commercial, which, timely enough, relates an immigrant story:
8. No other union knows how to party like the Screen Actors Guild. The SAG Awards gave the pop culture world the gift of the many, many inexplicable faces of this woman when her TV series won:
Tina Fey
Julia Louis Dreyfus
Sarah Paulson
Winona Ryder
9. ...and that means that Best Ensemble in a Drama (TV) Series went to:
The Crown
Stranger Things
Game of Thrones
10. And La La Land's presumed clear sailing to the Best Picture Oscar was dealt a bit of a blow, when the SAG for Cast in a Motion Picture surprisingly went to:
Hidden Figures
Captain Fantastic

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