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How Well Do You Know: 12/30/16-1/5/17
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1. It's Two thousand damn seventeen, so none of us should be shocked at the wacky antics of this singer, but her bizarre performance/performance art on Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve certainly had people talking for days:
Paula Abdul
Lady Gaga
Mariah Carey
2. In other news from New Year's merriment, someone or someones altered this famous American pop culture symbol to convey a pro-drug message:
Mount Rushmore
The Hollywood Sign
The St. Louis Arch
The Empire State Building
3. Also over the holidays, Serena Williams, who is better at tennis than we are, announced her engagement to one Alexis Ohanian, a co-founder of this super-popular internet venture:

4. Fans of old-timey television were saddened by the death of M*A*S*H actor William Christopher, who played this character at the 4077th:
Col. Potter
Father Mulcahy
5. One of the big names in news during 2016, Megyn Kelly has said I'm Outta Here, leaving Fox News for plum spot at this network:

6. In more TV news hijinx, CNN has caught flak for using a chunk of time on New Year's Day to air a documentary about this band - which was basically a commercial for the group, as the band produced the piece:
The Eagles
The Who
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
7. New on the small screen is The New Celebrity Apprentice, hosted by Arnie himself. In lieu of "You're Fired," what does Schwarzenegger use as a tagline to dismiss contestants?
I'll be won't be
You’re terminated. Hasta la vista, baby
You've been Governated
Get to the chopper
8. In an effort to add a dash of credibility (?) to the new Apprentice, serving as one of Arnold's trusted advisers is this familiar face from the reality TV universe:
Simon Cowell
Jeff Probst
Julie Chen
Tyra Banks
9. Meanwhile, if you think sleuthing is cool, then you'll certainly have caught the new season of BBC/PBS's Sherlock, which stars this in-demand Brit as the famous detective Holmes:
Tom Hardy
Jude Law
Benedict Cumberbatch
Tom Hiddleston
10. If you're a film who received a screenplay nomination from this week's Writers Guild Award announcement, please step forward. Whoa, not so fast there.....
La La Land
Manchester by the Sea
11. On the small screen side, the list of nominations from the WGA include all of the following popular television shows, except for:
Stranger Things
Game of Thrones
Modern Family
12. This former network enjoyed a bit of the Lazarus effect, being resurrected to being a new run on its cable home Thursday night:
Agent Carter

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