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How Well Do You Know: 11/25/16-12/1/16
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1. American action star __________ received a Russian passport during the week....which can't only mean *one thing*, though we have no idea what that is.
Chuck Norris
Bruce Willis
Tom Cruise
Steven Seagal
2. When devastating wildfires broke out in Tennessee, this country music star stepped up in a big way, pledging $1000 a month to each family displaced by the blaze this week:
Willie Nelson
Travis Tritt
Dolly Parton
Hank Williams, Jr.
3. This comically satirical organization had farcical fun over Thanksgiving, raising more than $100,000 for the sole purpose of digging a deep, deep hole somewhere in Oregon:
Cards Against Humanity
Funny or Die
4. Break out your countin' fingers. Seriously. Spotify announced that this music star is the tops, with 4.7 b-b-b-billion streams on the service:
Adam Levine
Justin Bieber
5. Veteran actor Ron Glass died this week. Especially forlorn were sci-fi fans who knew Glass from his role on this TV show:
Battlestar Galactica
Star Trek Voyager
6. And speaking of TV, we're as much as fan of a good crossover event as the next folks. But the four-day, multiple-show crossover that ________ network pulled off with its __________ shows bordered on madness.
CW / superhero
ABC / Shonda Rhimes
NBC / Chicago
7. As far as TV that's not on TV goes, Netflix broadcast a miniseries updating Gilmore Girls. Each of the four episodes bore the name of a different:
8. You may not know the name Michael "Jim" Delligatti, but we're pretty sure you know his works. The 98 year-old, who died this week, left an indelible mark on pop culture with his creation of which fast food staple?
The Whopper
The Big Mac
The Blizzard
The Gordita
9. Also dispatched to The Great Beyond was long-time TV boss Grant Tinker, who for years was the head of which TV network?
10. And the movie awards season kicked off in a big way this week, with a clear Oscar frontrunner being set. Which film grabbed 12 Critics Choice Awards nominations and was named New York Film Critics' Best Film?
La La Land

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