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How Well Do You Know: 11/18/16-11/24/16
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Gigi Hadid didn't host SNL last week, she co-hosted the AMAs, where she did her Melania Trump impression.
theBigE 11/25/16 7:52 pm


1. As if the musical Hamilton hadn't made enough news in 2016, the play made waves again with Friday night's attendance by this member of Donald Trump's inner circle:
Wife Melania
Daughter Ivanka
Son Eric
Vice President-elect Pence
2. A few songs followed by a bizarre, epic rant one night. A cancelled concert the next. Hospitalization followed soon after. This was a weird week in the life of this person, from whom we've come to expect weird things:
Elton John
Justin Bieber
Kanye West
3. $75 million in ticket sales spelled a fantastic opening weekend for Fantastic Beasts, which moved JK Rowling's wizarding world from the Harry Potter film's UK setting to this other country, which you might have heard of:
4. When oh when will model-on-model violence cease? This beauty who co-hosted the American Music Awards served up a funny impersonation of incoming first lady Melania Trump:
Kylie Jenner
Emily Ratajkowski
Gigi Hadid
Kate Upton
5. Speaking of politics and pop culture, if you are an entertainment figure who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom this week, please step forward. Not so fast there.....
Tom Hanks
Martin Scorsese
Bruce Springsteen
Diana Ross
6. Describe the latest champion of Dancing With the Stars. OK, OK....*please* describe the latest champion of Dancing With the Stars:
TV journalist
Olympic gold medalist
Sitcom star
Country singer
7. You're a popular internet service who briefly suspended your own CEO's account this week. That means you are:
8. And Thanksgiving ended on a sad note, as the entertainment world learned of the passing of the beloved TV mom on this classic series:
The Partridge Family
Happy Days
Leave It to Beaver
The Brady Bunch

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