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How Well Do You Know: 11/4/16-11/10/16
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1. Some might have seen it as an odd omen this weekend when, according to newsclips, life took a page from this animal-based movie:

2. While the US has been completely devoid of any news whatsoever this week, the UK has seen a bit of controversy as royal Prince Harry lashed out against unsavory comments made toward his new girlfriend Meghan Markle, most notably from this cable series:
Mr. Robot
Game of Thrones
3. And also in the popculture/geopolitical realm, former US Attorney General Janet Reno died. Reno embraced the impression this SNL mainstay perfected during his run on the show:
Will Ferrell
Dana Carvey
Dennis Miller
Mike Myers
4. Here's one thing about Doctor Strange: with a pretty terrific $85 million debut, it is the ________ straight film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to open at number one at the box office:
5. OK, here's another thing about Doctor Strange: Do you know, either from the film or the comic book, what Doctor Stranger's first name is? [The SLW staff did not - we had to look this up]
It's Jacob
It's Stephen
It's Andrew
He doesn't have one
6. From Doctor Strange to Stranger Things: Next summer's follow-up to this summer's Netflix smash added which Lord of the Rings actor to its cast this week?
The one who played Aragorn
The one who played Sam
The one who played Gandalf
The one who played Legolas
7. Friday night brought the debut of the best idea VH1 has had in a long time, "______ and Snoop's Dinner Party." Which lifestyle guru stars in the show along with the venerable Calvin Broadus?
Gwyneth Paltrow
Rachel Ray
Martha Stewart
Paula Deen
8. And out of nowhere has come the newest memeworthy group fad, in which participants freeze in a variety of motion-stopped poses. The practice is called:
9. Mad as hell over Hollywood sexism, who wrote that she's not going to take it anymore, in these words:
Throughout my career, there have been moments when I have been insulted, sidelined, paid less, creatively ignored, and otherwise diminished based on my gender
Jennifer Garner
Emma Stone
Jennifer Lawrence
Mila Kunis

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