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How Well Do You Know: 10/28/16-11/3/16
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1. In an unorthodox (and expectedly controversial) move, Glamour Magazine named this MALE singer as one of its 2016 Women of the Year.
David Bowie
Bruce Springsteen
By way of explanation.....
More like a of the Year Award.
2. Val Kilmer has officially debunked rumors that he has cancer, which gained new life when this one-time co-star made claims that Kilmer was suffering from the disease.
Kurt Russell
Michael Douglas
Tom Cruise
Jim Carrey
3. Even before the first one is released, the pre-Hogwarts Express is full steam ahead with a sequel to "Fantastic Beasts..." and this (somewhat blemished) star is slated to have a major role.
Johnny Depp
Russell Crowe
Alec Baldwin
Mel Gibson
4. Because we know you watch it for the music, the Victoria Secret Fashion Show has announced all of the following will perform except...
Lady Gaga
Bruno Mars
The Weeknd
5. Not only did Taylor Swift get all superheroic for Halloween, but if her Instagram is to be believed, she acquired her ______ costume directly from ______.
Deadpool / Ryan Reynolds
Iron Man / Robert Downey Jr
Captain America / Chris Evans
Batman / Ben Affleck
6. Speaking (indirectly) of Ryan Reynolds, the actor let this baby news slip during an interview with Conan O'Brien this week.
His wife is pregnant with triplets.
His wife is in fact pregnant with another girl.
They plan to adopt another kid that will be the exact same age as his oldest child.
He and ex-wife Scarlet Johannssen did have a child together.
7. The annual pickin' and grinnin' celebration known as the Country Music Awards made news with a performance from this notable R&B singer with the Dixie Chicks.
Alicia Keys
Nicki Minaj
Toni Braxton
8. You better enjoy the next two films from _______ because, according to him, he will be officially retiring from the director game at that time. Unless this is just pure fiction from said fellow.
James Cameron
Steven Sodebergh
Quentin Tarantino
JJ Abrams
9. While Game 7 will be the highlight of the World Series for most Chicago Cubs fans, one lucky lady will likely remember Game 6 as the night she got a free ticket and a night of hanging out with what very famous Cubs fan?
Bill Murray
Eddie Vedder
John Cusack
Bob Newhart
10. From the "Who knew..." files, which of these Scott Pilgrim vs. The World ladies confessed that she and Michael Cera actually dated for 1.5 years and almost got married in Vegas?
Brie Larson
Mae Whitman
Anna Kendrick
Aubrey Plaza

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