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How Well Do You Know: 10/17/16-10/23/16
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1. You wanna start off with a pretty incredible stat? OK, here's a pretty incredible stat. Since the merger, whenever that was, there have been three 6-6 ties in the NFL. All three have involved this team:
The Seahawks
The Buccaneers
The Cardinals
The Chiefs
2. Meanwhile, on Sunday, a dude manned up and ran for more than 200 yards on the ground. Said dude suits up for the:
3. And thanks to a team that plays in this conference, there will be no teams with a shot at a perfect record this year:
NFC South
AFC West
NFC East
AFC North
4. In college football news of the extremely boring variety, this conference teased everyone through the late summer and early fall with the possibility of expansion, only to announce last week that, nope, they weren't going to add any more teams:
Big 12
Big 10
Pac 12
5. In college football news of the much, much, much more exciting variety, Oklahoma and Texas Tech broke scads of offensive records in Saturday night's shootout which ended in this score:
66-59 Oklahoma
72-55 Texas Tech
69-58 Oklahoma
59-47 Texas Tech
6. A score on this type of play shocked the college football world and gave the Nittany Lions a 24-21 over #2 Ohio State on Saturday:
Interception return
Fumble return
Kickoff return
Blocked field goal return
7. Cheers to the women of this city who took down the WNBA championship this week:
Los Angeles
Washington, DC
New York
8. As baseball nears its conclusion, let's look back on the League Championship Series, which saw Cleveland pitcher Trevor Bauer leave Game 3 with a injured finger, bloodied from an earlier accident with:
A drone
A garage door
A grapefruit spoon
A ladies' razor
9. Prior to the offensive explosion which led to a 10-2 victory Wednesday night and series win soon thereafter, the Cubs offense had completely stalled, as Chicago had not scored a run for this many innings:
10. And finally, this big-time college basketball program may very well be sent to its room to think about what its done after the NCAA charged it with four Level 1 No-nos:
North Carolina

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