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How Well Do You Know: 10/14/16-10/20/16
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1. If your job is that of a/n __________, then this weekend's #1 movie at the box office is apparently a faithful retelling of what your life is all about:
2. Looking to Do the Time Warp Again, Fox's Thursday night showing of its updated Rocky Horror Picture Show featured an appearance by this member of the original film's cast:
Susan Sarandon
Barry Bostwick
Tim Curry
Richard O'Brien
3. Sorry, holiday shoppers: Responding to consumer concern fueled by mounting media reports, Target stores have stopped selling __________ masks in the weeks leading to Halloween.
Donald Trump
Star Wars
4. If you want to pony up $300K - or part thereof - the Smithsonian has started a Kickstarter to preserved this item of classic movie memorabilia:
The piano from Casablanca
Dorothy's ruby slippers from Wizard of Oz
Scarlett O'Hara' s dress from Gone With the Wind
James Dean's leather jacket from Rebel Without a Cause
5. For its milestone ________ episode, The Simpsons devised an ingenious "virtual reality" couch gag:
6. The latest batch of Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees include Pearl Jam, Journey, The Cars, Depeche Mode and Yes. Much to the chagrin of KISS's Gene Simmons, no doubt, which hip-hop trailblazer is also on the ballot?
Notorious B.I.G.
Tupac Shakur
Puff Daddy
LL Cool J
By way of explanation.....
Clearly, the Hall is siding with the West coast in that 90s rivalry.
7. This is not a very app-etizing idea to us but this smartphone/tablet app game has been ordered as a new game show series by CBS.
Candy Crush
Clash of Clans
Plants vs. Zombies
8. One of the stars of this cult hit has spearheaded a massive lawsuit for $125 million for him and his fellow creative, asserting that they have only been paid less than $100 in royalties.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Princess Bride
This is Spinal Tap
Yellow Submarine
By way of explanation.....
Harry Shearer is the head litigator for his bandmates and film director.
9. This former Disney channel star got all edgy while paying tribute by adorning a jacket honoring David Bowie while stripping down for Playboy:
Selena Gomez
Vanessa Hudgens
Bella Thorne
10. When The Voice returns in February 2017, the coaches/judges doing all of the coach-y/judge-y things will be all of the following, except...
Blake Shelton
Alicia Keys
Adam Levine
Christina Aguilera
By way of explanation.....
Xtina is not returning to the swivel chairs but Shelton's girl Gwen Stefani is.
11. When this comic's set got on the topic of mocking Donald Trump, approximately 200 walked out.

(Said comedian did point out that more than 8,000 people stuck around.)
Amy Schumer
Louis C.K.
Sarah Silverman
Chris Rock
12. It's sadly Splittsville for this Superhero portrayer, whose marriage of nine years ended this week:
Robert Downey, Jr.
Chris Evans
Henry Cavill
Tobey Maguire

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