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How Well Do You Know: 9/30/16-10/6/16
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1. In one of the odder series of pop culture events to hit for a while, music superstar Kanye West had to abruptly cancel an in-progress concert this week because of:
A storm
A bomb threat
A family emergency
A riot
2. Yup, the emergency that forced Kanye to quickly call off his gig was the holdup of wife Kim Kardashian, who was tied up and robbed of several millions of dollars in jewelry while in this city:
3. If you are a popular comic book figure who is so popular that demand for your new Netflix show crashed the media outlet, then your name is:
Sonya Blade
Luke Cage
Johnny Quest
Jughead Jones
4. Saturday Night Live opened its new season with the star of this summer film hosting and making everyone rethink the whole sexy librarian thing:
Batman vs. Superman
Independence Day: Resurgence
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Suicide Squad
5. Meanwhile, he appeared on the SNL debut as Donald Trump, and won rave reviews with his dead-on impersonation of the understated political figure:
Christopher Walken
Alec Baldwin
Dana Carvey
Tom Hanks
6. Attempting to appease ravenous Game of Thrones fans between seasons, HBO debuted its new series Westworld, a remake of a 1973 work directed by this writer/director:
Alan Pakula
Michael Crichton
Dan Brown
Ridley Scott
7. Comic book hero news, part 1: Surprising very few fans, a writer for his big name in fictional heroes confirmed that the character is, in fact, bisexual:
Wonder Woman
Black Widow
8. Comic book hero news, part 2: Meanwhile, when he's not worrying about how the Pats or the Sawx are doing, Ben Affleck continues his work on his Caped Crusader movie, which will apparently be called:
Gotham Knight
The Batman
Dark Vengeance
9. And speaking of old-in-the-tooth movie franchises, the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie teaser dropped....which is great and all....but the odd thing is:
The name of the film isn't mentioned
The footage doesn't actually show any pirates
Johnny Depp doesn't appear
It's set in modern times
10. She'd done her best to stay out of the limelight, but what news Lindsay Lohan has made during 2016. First she called off her engagement to whatshisname, and now a boating accident seems to have cost her part of her:
11. "Crude, Authentic", where' not talking about Trump here, but rather words used by a member of this band to describe the act's upcoming, back-to-basics blues album:
The Rolling Stones
The Who
Guns N Roses
The Eagles
12. And old-school professional wrestler Ric Flair made news this week with claims that this Oscar winner "took a ride on Space Mountain" - that is, slept with him:
Julia Roberts
Halle Berry
Judi Dench
Jodi Foster

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