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How Well Do You Know: 9/9/16-9/15/16
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1. Holy Lapdance, Batman. Which of these gentlemen from Magic Mike has officially been announced as the villain Deathstroke in the solo Affleck-Batman film?
2. In what increasingly seems like a relic, the Miss American pageant made a bit of news this week when, for the first time, it had a participant who is ___________ - oh, and a woman with the name of _________ won the crown.
Married / Sassy
Arabic / Married
Blind / Trixie
Gay / Savvy
3. September 9, 1991: The day that this seminal piece of grunge artistry was originally published. Thanks to ____ for 25 years of entertaining us with _________.
Pearl Jam / Even Flow
Alice in Chains / Man in the Box
Nirvana / Smells Like Teen Spirit
Soundgarden / Black Hole Sun
4. When you think of pop culture news, you automatically think of Forbes, and so it seems natural that we ask which prime-time actress the good-times publication named as the highest paid on television:
Sofia Vergara
Kaley Cuoco
Mindy Kaling
Kerry Washington
5. A special 50th anniversary retrospective of this holiday classic - kids today might need to consult a history book to read about it - won an Emmy this weekend:
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Rudolph, the Red Nose Reindeer
Frosty the Snowman
A Charlie Brown Christmas
6. The Arquette acting family lost one of their own this week to AIDS at age 47. Transgender actress Alexis Arquette appeared in “Last Exit to Brooklyn” and “Pulp Fiction” as well as a notable role in what Adam Sandler film?
The Wedding Singer
Big Daddy
7. Trying to turn the DWTS ballroom into a UFC octagon, a protester bum rushed the stage of Dancing with the Stars to attack/disrupt the performance of which contestant?
Vanilla Ice
Ryan Lochte
Laurie Hernandez
Rick Perry
8. For reasons that we can't quite understand - something about doing so ending starvation, or some claptrap - this shocking celebrity has declared s/he will no longer attend red carpet events:
Miley Cyrus
Kanye West
Simon Cowell
Lindsay Lohan
9. Still looking to prove that America's got talent, 'America's Got Talent' crowned its latest winner this week. Instead of ensuring you miss this question by asking for the winner's name, let's just see if you can identify what their talent is.
By way of explanation.....
For the record, the winner was 12-year-old singer Grace Vanderwaal.
10. And as the movie business tries hard to shake out of its summer doldrums, this weekend's #1 earner was a movie about this profession:
Airline pilot
Submarine pilot

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