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How Well Do You Know: 9/2/16-9/8/16
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1. Fan theory! An idea subscribed to by many on the internet suggests that the heroine of this classic is dead the whole time:
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Dirty Dancing
Ghost. (no, wait.....)
2. Death hoax! Rest assured, fans of the toughguys.....this member of the Expendables cast is not as dead as fraudulent news reports would have you believe:
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jet Li
Jason Statham
Sylvester Stallone
3. Weird redesign! Most of the noise generated by the unveiling of the newest iPhone concerns Apples bizarre decision to completely retool the:
Home button
Headphone jack
4. Snapchat exposure! A female star of this hit show caused a buzz by posting a snap of her bare breast, slightly obscured by an emoji:
The Big Bang Theory
Game of Thrones
Modern Family
5. Rumors debunked! No, no one from Game of Thrones salaciously snapchatted, but fans of the show briefly got their hopes up that acting legend __________ would appear on the show - alas, the rumors were debunked:
Helen Mirren
Angela Lansbury
Betty White
Sophia Loren
6. Rockstar astronomy! When you make a wish upon a star, you may actually be wishing on an asteroid recently named for this rock icon:
Mick Jagger
David Bowie
Freddie Mercury
Eric Clapton
7. Completely expected breakup! They said it would never last, and it sure didn't, meaning that she is single again, after having broken up with her latest beau this week:
Katy Perry
Khloe Kardashian
Selena Gomez
Taylor Swift
8. Highway robbery! This rapper said goodbye to around $3 million of jewelry from his tour bus:
Snoop Dogg
Lil Wayne
9. Pop culture milestone! 50 years ago this week, the world was first introduced to what would become the pop culture phenomenon known as:
The Muppets
Star Trek
The Tonight Show
10. Date with destiny! And in closing, this fallen celebrity figure was notified that a trial date has been set:
Bill Cosby
Randy Quaid
Martha Stewart
Ted Danson

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