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How Well Do You Know: 8/12/16-8/18/16
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1. Whatever "it" was, tiny American gymnast Simone Biles crushed it. And as soon as the multi-medalist finished crushing it, she was surprised in Rio by her celebrity crush....
Zac Efron
Channing Tatum
Ryan Gosling
Ashton Kutcher
2. More Olympics: this generally well-liked TV personality probably didn't see coming the firestorm of criticism leveled against her when she posted a photo of running phenom Usain Bolt carrying her on his back:
Julie Chen
Ellen Degeneres
Ricki Lake
Maria Menounos
3. Man, the 2016 summer movie season has officially both sucked and blown. Not exactly helping was this weekend's release of a rather odd movie that has this foodstuff in its name:
4. If you are an actor who did not get fired this week, please step forward. Thomas Gibson, formally of this show....not so fast (apparently, producers don't like it when stars kick writers for the show):
NCIS: New Orleans
Angie Tribeca
The Big Bang Theory
Criminal Minds
5. Grim Reaper swung his scythe again this week and took another celebrity. Kenny Baker, the man behind the costume of this original beloved Star Wars character, died:
Darth Vader
6. Also suddenly looking for work is this late-night host, who had her/his program rather suddenly kicked to the curb this week:
Larry Wilmore
James Corden
Samantha Bee
Seth Meyers
7. If you prefer your televised shows to be not televised at all, then it'll please you that the upcoming special fall edition of this reality show will be available online only:
The Amazing Race
The Voice
Big Brother
The Bachelor
8. She said she was, and said no. The League said she wasn't. There's confusion about whether or not this big, big name singer was invited by the NFL at February's Super Bowl:
Carrie Underwood
Taylor Swift
Meghan Trainor
9. The younger members of our audience might have to study a history book to learn what "Polaroids" are, but recently discovered vintage picture of this 1980s superstar surfaced this week:
Michael Jackson
Molly Ringwald
Lionel Richie
10. If you believe unfounded internet rumors - and we always do - then this actor of note might be walking around with the part of one finger missing, taken off during a domestic dispute:
Nicolas Cage
Ben Affleck
Johnny Depp
Keanu Reeves
11. "WRONG!" Making the rare jump from political punditry into popular culture was the McLaughlin Group, whose namesake host also died this week. Can you name the female regular of McLaughlin's cadre of very loud talkers?
Arianna Huffington
Meredith Vieira
Barbara Corcoran
Eleanor Clift
12. And finally, a reminder that we at SLW just love legitimate the-atre, so we just gotta get to London to see this brand-new musical made from favorite all-time comedies:
Better Off Dead
Blazing Saddles
Animal House
Groundhog Day

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