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How Well Do You Know: 8/5/16-8/11/16
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1. Supermodels in the News, Part I: It looks like it's Splitsville for Christie Brinkley and the rock star she had been seeing for the last year. Please, remind us who that was:
Phil Collins
Tom Petty
Jon Bon Jovi
John Mellencamp
2. Supermodels in the News, Part II: The Olympic Opening Ceremonies featured some catwalk-ing by this famous face, one of Brazil's best-known native residents:
Miranda Kerr
Gisele Bundchen
Adriana Lima
Laetitia Casta
3. In other Olympic news, this summer movie star's funny tweets have earned her a trip to Rio for the games:
Captain America: Civil War's Mark Ruffalo
The Nice Guys' Ryan Gosling
Star Trek Beyond's Zachary Quinto
Ghostbuster's Leslie Jones
4. Their might be big trouble on the set of this big sequel, as some of the film's big stars reportedly have a big problem with each other?
Thor: Ragnarok
Fast and Furious 8
Fifty Shades Darker
Star Wars: Episode Viii
5. Attention, citizens, attention! Former hip-hop artist Shad Moss announces his retirement from rap. If that name doesn't ring a bell, you most likely remember his performing under this name:
Bow Wow
6. As one rapper quits, another keeps on keepin' on. VH1 announced it has signed Snoop Dogg and this very unlikely parter to a reality show during which they will host dinner parties:
Rachel Ray
Gwyneth Paltrow
Martha Stewart
Brooke Shields
7. If you're a fan of free online program streaming, we've got bad news for you. The following service announced this week it is transition to a different content delivery model that will mean no more free videos:
8. If you prefer your rock stars virtualized, we're happy to announce that this deceased metalhead performed in hologram form at the Heavy Metal Festival in Wacken, Germany:
Ronnie James Dio
Layne Staley
Dimebag Darrell
9. No woman can be hit and stay with that person And with that, this tabloid name, from whom we haven't heard much of lately, seemingly said she has left her fiance Egor Tarabasov:
Amanda Bynes
Lindsay Lohan
Jessica Simpson
Khloe Kardashian
10. And TV keeps on diversifyin', as its creators announced that the upcoming series in this TV franchise will have a female lead, as well as a gay character:
Doctor Who
Star Trek
Law and Order

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