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How Well Do You Know: 7/29/16-8/4/16
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1. Possibly billions of fans worldwide rejoiced at the debut of the most recent Sharknado film, subtitled The 4th:
Will Get Ya
Swallows You Whole
2. In other weekend viewing news, the somewhat exhilarating Heaven Sent program chronicled a rather amazing stunt executed by this type of professional thrillseaker:
Cliff jumper
Base jumper
Motocross master
3. Man, those Italians sure love them some _________, as over 1,000 of them assembled to perform the band's anthemic Seven Nation Army:
Rage Against the Machine
Pearl Jam
White Stripes
4. No sooner had your most recent Miss Teen USA, Karlie Hay of Texas, been crowned, than she caught all sorts of hell for tweets she had previously made:
Containing racially insensitive language
Expressing sexist views
Disparaging a political party
Bashing members of a religion
5. If you stayed up until midnight Saturday to snag yourself a copy of the new Harry Potter book, 1) we sure hope you didn't have to work on Sunday, and 2) you know that this word is part of the book's title:
6. In this week's Hollywood update, Hollywood keeps updating previously made movies. Consider plans to remake Splash, with this male Hollywood hottie in the role of the mermaid:
Hugh Jackman
Channing Tatum
Chris Pratt
Chris Evans
7. This late-night comedy figure will bring an animated political comedy series to HBO this fall:
Stephen Colbert
John Oliver
Conan O'Brien
Jon Stewart
8. Days before the film's release, the latest DC comics film Suicide Squad started suffering really, really bad reviews. A bunch of disappointed fanboys took the reasonable step of filing a petition to keep this site from publishing those reviews:
Rotten Tomatoes
9. If you took in $170 million over the last year, then you have at least one thing in common with this person, who topped Forbes' recent list of highest-paid celebrities:
Justin Bieber
Katy Perry
Taylor Swift
10. News for this 90210 star took a discouraging turn, as her cancer spread to the lymph glands:
Shannen Doherty
Tori Spelling
Jennie Garth
Gabrielle Carteris
11. If you were not arrested for falling asleep at the wheel while driving in Porland, Oregon, please step forward. Not so fast there, Isaac Brock, lead singer of:
Scissor Sisters
Panic! At the Disco
Modest Mouse
12. And finally, true and everlasting love won out again, as the summer's edition of The Bachelorette aired Monday night. Now, if we could only remember the woman's name....oh yeah, it was:

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