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How Well Do You Know: 7/22/16-7/28/16
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1. After the unmitigated mess that was Into Darkness, Star Trek Beyond got mostly back on the right track thanks to the film's director, who is most closely associated with which other blockbuster franchise?
Hunger Games
Fast and Furious
Harry Potter
2. Geek culture reached its yearly zenith at Comic Con. Remind us, please, which city hosts fandom's signature event:
San Diego
3. Comic Con supplied the world with much needed superhero movie news - Lord knows we've been without for far, far too long - as the trailers for three of the following comic book films emerged. Which did not get a new trailer coming out of Comic Con?
Doctor Strange
Justice League
Wonder Woman
Guardians of the Galaxy
4. If, like the SLW staff, you've been jonesing for the upcoming horror movie The Woods, you might have mixed feelings upon learning this week that the film is actually a follow-up to this familiar horror title:
Cabin in the Woods
Evil Dead
Blair Witch Project
5. Well known to a certain generation of TV viewers, Miss Cleo left an indelible mark on pop culture. Dead this week at age 53, Cleo was a:
Celebrity interviewer
Fashion designer
Movie spoof show host
6. And speaking of Things from Decades Past, the film project of Madeleine L'Engle's sci-fi classic A Wrinkle in Time got a big, big shot in the arm this week when director Ava Duvernay signed a certain someone to appear in the film. Name that someone:
Oprah Winfrey
Halle Berry
Meryl Streep
Julia Roberts
7. Predictably, the Democratic National Convention was chock full o' celebrities, many of which recorded a new version of this uplifting song for the DNC in Philly this week:
Fight Song
Call Me, Maybe
Cast your gaze, if you dare, on this, the recently unveiled logo for the upcoming season of which creepy TV series?
The Walking Dead
American Horror Story
Game of Thrones
Two Broke Girls
9. This week's firing of Bob, Luis and Gordon - three long, long-time members of this classic show - was brought to you by the letter F:
Sesame Street
The Simpsons
60 Minutes
10. In happier throwback TV news, this channel announced it would launch a "Classic" version of its network on August 1:

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