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How Well Do You Know: 6/10/16-6/16/16
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1. Adherents of the shockingly sopay lives of country music stars let out a collective Yeee-Haw as cancelled fan favorite Nashville was given new life by this network:
MTV Live
2. A dark weekend in America got off to a dark start as Christian Grimmie, an up-and-coming talent who made a name for herself on this show, was killed by a deranged fan after a concert:
The Voice
America's Got Talent
American Idol
3. Say it ain't so, but this guitar hero has stated that his ability to play guitar is being plagued by the onset of nerve damage:
Bob Dylan
Keith Richards
John Mayer
Eric Clapton
4. Ready to feel really, really old? Janet Waldo, who voiced this classic cartoon character, went to the great animation studio in the sky this week at the age of 96:
Betty Rubble
Judy Jetson
Betty Boop
5. And we also lost Michu Meszaros the voice behind this iconic TV character of the 1980s:
Knight Rider's KITT
Small Wonder
6. So, how about some good news? This comedic legend will become the latest recipient of the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor this fall:
Chevy Chase
Bill Murray
Dan Aykroyd
Eddie Murphy
7. Just like Homer, we just love legitimate the-ater, so it came to no surprise to us that a play about _____________ walked off with an armful - and then some - of awards at the Tonys this week:
Famous American politician of yore
8. But while Hamilton was becoming the toast of the theater world, online shrieks of WHAT THE H IS THAT accompanied photos of this actress, who caught lots of flak and accusations of plastic surgery following her appearance at the Tonys:
Julie Andrews
Meg Ryan
Helen Mirren
Jessica Lange
9. If your plans for the summer included what you assumed was a brilliant and highly original plan to compete on America Ninja Warrior dressed in a _________ costume, then we're sorry to say that someone beat you to it.
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Box of Cracker Jacks
10. And in closing, we note with puzzlement that Russian fans have petitioned to change the voice of the actor of this character in the new Captain America movie: "This is important because ______________'s [Russian] voice didn't absolutely correspond to the character"
The Winter Soldier
Ant Man
Black Panther

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