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How Well Do You Know: 6/3/16-6/9/16
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1. New at the box office was Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (full disclosure: we think taking an occasional break from Never Stopping is perfectly fine). The satirical comedy stars the actor who headlines which TV sitcom?
The Grinder
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
The Big Bang Theory
2. As the world mourned the death of boxing legend Muhammad Ali, those of us old enough to remember such things recalled this cartoon series he starred in:
Butterfly and the Bee
I Am the Greatest
The Boxer's Fun-Time Happy Hour
Saturdays with Cassius
3. Attention, citizens! This actor-who-also-sings is still very much alive, regardless of the death notice issued by his band this week:
Jack Black
Jared Leto
Keanu Reeves
Russell Crowe
4. J.K. Rowling has had to step in to defend the casting of this character with a black actor in the stage play of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child:
5. Cheers to Miss DC and newly-crowned Miss USA Deshauna Barber, who prior to her coronation held this job:
Movie animator
Commercial pilot
Army officer
6. With Interweb denizens offering up a steady menu of memes featuring/mocking his weight gain, this fellow is making the futile demands of Google to remove the images.
Val Kilmer
Rob Kardashian
Axl Rose
Jack Nicholson
7. Want to own an iconic horror house? A new listing for the house at the center of this film shows that it's available for a scary good price of $850,000.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Amityville Horror
8. Denial, ain't just a river in Africa. This celebrity's spokesperson has vehemently denied that their boss is currently transitioning to a woman, according to the National Enquirer.
Elton John
Richard Simmons
Regis Philbin
Rob Halford
Based upon this photo, clearly, _____ should have been cast as Batman villain Bane instead of ______ for the upcoming Justice League movie.
JK Simmons / Jim Gordon
Ezra Miller / The Flash
Jeremy Irons / Alfred
Jesse Eisenberg / Lex Luthor
10. And if you were hit this week with a whopping $20 million plagiarizing lawsuit over one of your recent hit songs, then you have a surprising amount in common with:
Sam Smith
Ed Sheeran
Justin Timberlake
Katy Perry

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