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How Well Do You Know: 5/27/16-6/2/16
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1. If you spot someone who looks like this oddball hitchhiking along the highway, it may very well be him, as the actor hitches his way along the US as part of the #TakeMeAnywhere project.
Randy Quaid
Shia LaBeouf
James Franco
Jonah Hill
2. As part of a story you could not. have. possibly. missed, this woman was granted a restraining order this week:
Julia Roberts
Amber Heard
Scarlett Johansson
Blake Lively
3. We keep forgetting that Calvin Harris's occupation is this - and now that Taylor Swift and Harris have broken up, we can probably go back to permanently forgetting the fact:
Movie producer
4. Spanning four nights, this cable outlet's remake of the groundbreaking 80s miniseries Roots concluded Thursday night:
5. Ready or not, here's our contractually-obligated Comic Book Movie news of the week: This recent Oscar nominee appears to have been cast as Captain Marvel:
Jennifer Lawrence
Rosamund Pike
Reese Witherspoon
Brie Larson
6. More comic book movie news? Sure, why not. If you don't know the name Elizabeth Debicki yet, you probably soon will be...if there is any truth to the rumors this week that she has been cast as Ayesha, the villain in the next:
Iron Man movie
Guardians of the Galaxy movie
Batman movie
Superman movie
7. If you're like this lady, you turned down a marriage proposal this week after finding an engagement ring hidden in a KFC bucket:
Gwen Stefani
Gwyneth Paltrow
Mariah Carey
Kate Hudson
8. And say hey to this member of the Rolling Stones, who became a father of twins at the age of 68 this week:
Mick Jagger
Charlie Watts
Keith Richards
Ronnie Wood
9. On the anniversary of his death this week, we heard a voicemail recording from this former SNL great who left the greeting in response to a fan's request:
John Belushi
Chris Farley
Phil Hartman
Charles Rocket
10. Several years ago, many, many, many people went to theaters for the Burton/Depp Alice in Wonderland movie. This past weekend, many, many, many people did not. Can you even name the actress who plays the title role in Alice Through the Looking Glass?
Saoirse Ronan
Mia Wasikowska
Anna Popplewell

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