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How Well Do You Know: 5/6/16-5/12/16
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1. New at the theaters was the latest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Domination Program. Which Avengers character is not a major player in Captain America: Civil War?
Iron Man
Black Widow
Strangely enough, Captain America
2. Meanwhile, while no one was watching to prevent this kind of nonsense, this beer manufacturer went and released one of its brews called "America":
3. A figure from this famous rock band didn't win many friends during the week, when he unsympathetically called Prince's death "pathetic....but that’s what drugs and alcohol is: a slow death."
Guns n Roses
Rolling Stones
4. In more fallout from Prince's death, this singer is being sued for libel by Arsenio Hall, following statements made by the singer that Arsenio provided Prince with drugs:
Sheryl Crow
Lady Gaga
Sinead O'Connor
5. It looks like it's finally splitsville for this famous pair, who parted ways after 33 years of marriage:
Danny DeVito and Rhea Pearlman
Warren Beatty and Annette Benning
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne
Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick
6. Enforcing the notion that this celeb may just be a little bit out of touch with the common man, an article on whose lifestyle website recommends a $15,000 sex toy?
Jennifer Aniston
Sarah Jessica Parker
Gwyneth Paltrow
7. Welcome to the Your Favorite TV Show Just Got Cancelled Week. Which of these prime-time offerings did *not* get axed this week?
The Muppets
8. Escaping the axe, sort of, was CBS's Supergirl, on which The Eye passed on renewing, but which will move to this other network - already home for several other superhero shows - for next season?

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