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How Well Do You Know: 4/29/16-5/5/16
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1. The White House Correspondents Dinner was held over the weekend, and the host of this late-night show unleashed hell with scathing remarks during his emcee duties:
The Nightly Show
Last Call
Last Week Tonight
The Daily Show
Much less controversial was this veteran actress showing up with a purple tattoo honoring Prince near her collarbone:
Helen Mirren
Meryl Streep
Susan Sarandon
Julie Walters
3. Sorry, world....superfamous model Kate Upton is now engaged to Justin Verlander, who is a professional athlete in this sport:
4. The poor remaining members of Stone Temple Pilots had to suffer the ignominy of denying rumors that this musical curiosity is joining their band as frontman:
Scott Stapp
Marilyn Manson
Adam Lambert
Weird Al
5. And if you thought Stone Temple Pilots had it bad, then pity indeed the citizens of this nations, which hasn't had an easy time of it lately, who are being subjected to a visit by the Kardashians:
North Korea
6. This bad news magnet caught holy hell after the internet got its hands on a photo of him posing next to a chained tiger:
Justin Bieber
James Franco
Ben Affleck
Johnny Knoxville
7. An odd run-in with a wacko led this comedic woman to announce that she'd no longer take photos with fans:
Amy Shumer
Tina Fey
Margaret Cho
Amy Poehler
Hey, look's Emma Watson, who appeared thusly at this week's Met Gala. What is unusual about her dress?
It's made of recycled plastic
It's actually just bodypaint
It's actually blue and yellow, not black and white
She bought it off-the-rack at Sear's
9. In exciting pop culture/aviation news, the Burbank, Caliofornia airport has removed the name of this screen legend from its complex over remarks the actor made long ago about minorities:
Bob Hope
John Wayne
Humphrey Bogart
Douglas Fairbanks
10. And finally, just like Homer Simpson, the SLW staff loves legitimate the-atre, so it caught our attention that this production earned a record 16 Tony nominations:
School of Rock - The Musical
The Humans

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