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How Well Do You Know: 4/22/16-4/28/16
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1. Not for the drink itself, but this beverage name had the most impact on popular culture this week:
Root beer
2. We don't even pretend to understand 5% of the implications of Beyonce's Lemonade, but a woman at the center of a scandal therein has a name strikingly similar to that of this female TV host:
Julie Chen
Kelly Rippa
Tyra Banks
Rachel Ray
3. It was an awful week for this rock star, who found the body of his deceased assistant that died in an ATV accident in Tennessee:
Adam Levine
Chris Daughtry
Jon Bon Jovi
Kid Rock
4. Internet media fans were sent scrambling to change their passwords from abc123 to abc1234 after hacked account information from this company was posted online:
5. Time magazine named actress Priyanka Chopra to its list of 100 Most Influential People....which is great.....if you could remember on which American TV show she currently stars:
Hawaii 5-0
Criminal Minds
6. This African American singer posted photos of herself with her hair lightened and her skin possibly beached. Everyone reacted to this in the calm, reasonable fashion you would expect:
Missy Elliot
Janelle Monae
Lil Kim
7. In less jarring music news, singers Trent Reznor and Eddie Vedder join the cast of thousands - almost literally - of this upcoming TV project:
American Horror Story
Wayward Pines
Twin Peaks
8. Attention, moviegoers! This major motion picture studio has been acquired by up-and-coming cable company Comcast for $3.8 billion:
9. None of us expected the news that Josh Herdman, to this point only known for playing Gregory Goyle in this film series, has become an MMA badass:
Spy Kids
Harry Potter
10. And we would never condone violence against a celebrity, though we certainly understand the impulse which drove a passing stranger to punch a New York man - who was mistaken for this annoying star - in the face:
Jim Carrey
Michael Cera
Joaquin Phoenix
Shia LaBouef

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